Dying Light 2 tricks and tips Dying Light 2 tricks and tips

5 things you need to know before jumping into Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2: Stay Human was just released and it’s a big hit for Techland. With over 500 hours of gameplay, Dying Light 2 offers a huge chunk of content and missions. The story of Aiden, the character you play, is deep and rich. The second installment of this open-world game features a long and tumultuous campaign, and it’s necessary to go into this adventure knowing a few tricks and tips. We’ve put together a Dying Light 2 guide to read before starting your journey into the game.

1 – Search every location and explore the world thoroughly

In an open world as vast as in Dying Light 2, there are many places, hideaways and dungeons that are easy to walk through without really looking into them. However, resources and money are two essential elements that will help your progress in the game. Indeed, experience is not everything, it allows you to unlock skill points for the combat and parkour trees, but you should also know that equipment upgrades are crucial to develop your character.

Upgrading your heals, mods, and gadgets will make you more effective in combat. And the resources you collect in the world of Villedor are divided into two categories, valuable items and resources. They are the essential currency for your upgrades. Make sure you search absolutely everything so you don’t get stuck with your upgrades, and your wealth will grow faster as a result.

In any open world game, it’s easy to focus solely on the main quest. In Dying Light 2, however, it’s essential to explore the world in depth in order to uncover all its secrets. And by that, we mean inhibitors. These are essential for your game progression. It takes a balanced mix of experience and inhibitors to make your character progress easily, allowing him to reach the life and stamina levels needed to advance your skill trees. You will find many inhibitors in dark areas (dungeons) and near G.R.E. buildings.

2 – Don’t miss out on the zombies

Zombies are, although they don’t look like it, an invaluable source of wealth in Dying Light 2. Indeed, each zombie has a chance to give you a trophy when searched. Trophies vary in nature due to their rarity. A classic infected may give you an unusual trophy, a special infected such as a virulent may give you a rare trophy, and an anomaly or a particularly tough infected may give you a unique trophy.

Trophies are an essential currency for upgrading your items, healing and weapon mods. So make sure you search all the zombies. If you want to effectively “farm” the trophies, start chases by staying close to a UV lamp, so you can kill a lot of virulents, and avoid the birds that could end your life quite quickly, before collecting a maximum of trophies.

3 – Upgrade your weapons efficiently

In Dying Light 2, you’ll notice that your weapons can’t be repaired in the conventional way. However, there is a way to refurbish any weapon, as long as it has upgrade slots. Upgrading a weapon will give you 50 points of durability for each mod. If you find a weapon that you particularly enjoy, make sure to use it before upgrading it. This way you can maximize its durability. There are also mods for the handle of your weapon that can improve its durability.

Dying Light 2 Stay Human

4 – Improve stamina before life

This is a choice that is up to you. With the inhibitor system, you will regularly have the choice between improving your life, or your stamina. Stamina allows you to extend your parkour stunts, as well as increase your combat prowess. With a significant amount of stamina, you will be able to access many places in your environment and make it easier to move around. It also improves your combat efficiency, as stamina allows you to chain together hits, dodges and parries.

However, be sure to look at the skills that interest you most in each tree, as higher level skills will be unlocked once a certain amount of life or stamina is reached.

5 – Group up in co-op

Make a party with up to 3 other persons, and get into vocal with them. You will be more efficient and the game will be way more fun this way! You only need to finish the mission “Markers of Plague” in order to play with your friends.

How to play with friends Dying Light 2

We hope this Dying Light 2 guide will be useful for you!

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