Koei Tecmo at the end of 2022, exactly on the 31th of December, has released a teaser trailer for a new title Fate/Samurai Remnant. A rather unexpected announcement, but welcomed one for sure, as many were waiting for a new game in the Fate universe.


What’s in the trailer

In what seems to be Feudal Japan, we see a Pagoda under a full moon and a cat stretching. Then a shot of two swords and the sleeping face of the protagonist, who wakes up after sensing an incoming attack. Attack which destroy the house, but the protagonist is able to evade it and draw both of his weapons.

Facing a mysterious armored enemy, the protagonist is defeated. Refusing to die, the iconic Command Spell appears on his left hand, and glows explode. As a dark haired character with amber eyes appears, ask the protagonist if he was the one who summoned. A servant wielding two swords, one on his hand and another still sheathed, the introduction of the Waxing Moon Ritual and the presentation of the Fate/Samurai Remnant logo.

But it’s not over yet, we see the protagonist in the street running, dodging an attack and parrying the successive one. Deflecting a strong strike as we’re introduced to a new character, while protagonist comment on knowing that style of combat. A woman who smiles and grins, ending the trailer to once again the logo and the platform of the title.


During the trailer we hear two voices commenting on the protagonist. We learn that he has a unique mind but is too kind for his own good. But another voice report not to be concerned as we’re introduced to the Servant. The protagonist from what we have seen, is rather competent being able to sense attacks and dodge them. Not to mention being proficient in the usage of two sword style. Also reflected on the unnamed servant, sporting two swords of different lenghts. Of which the drawn one, resemble a lot a mix between Emiya’s Bakuya and Nero’s Aestus Estus. Sporting a small stature, queue hairstyle, white clothes and accessories such as a beaded rosary and two bracelets. With a very Saber-like face, along with her iconic ahoge to boot. We don’t see much of the attacker, other than being heavily armored and being clad in dark colors.

In the second part we see a much better picture of the protagonist swords. Each having a unique color pattern, red and green, reflected in the sheaths, hilts and some pattern of the blade. Not to mention a clear proficiency on his use and knowledge of the swords, being able to recognize the enemy tecnique. Here we are introduced to a woman strikingly resembling Saber Miyamoto Musashi from FGO. Although with very different clothing, wearing a spider lily themed blue pale kimono instead of her usual maple themed one. Moreover her swords have different colors hilts black and white, reflecting her color palette as opposed to her gacha counterpart.


We still haven’t heard any news about the title, but Fate/Samurai Remnant is set to be released in 2023 on all major platforms. Many fears it to be another Musou game (like Destiny Warriors), but the title is an Action RPG with key figures in the Nioh series and team from Koei Tecmo. Finally the title seems to offer a different take on the usual Holy Grail War, naming it as Waxing Moon Ritual. You can check the Official Site  for future news about the game